Wednesday, May 5, 2010

just a few things.

* we baked bread for the first time on sunday. it's an interesting process, how many times you have to play with it and then let it sit for an hour. the end result was pretty tasty. we made wheat bread, nothing too exciting.

* i recently read alicia silverstone's "the kind diet." i read a lot of books about these topics and i feel like a lot of writers are always trying to shove their views down your throat in an aggressive way. have you read the "skinny bitch" books? they attacked me. i think she did a good job of discussing & educating in a respectful way. however, she's obviously not a great writer, nor is she professionally educated in this field so there's a lot of generic language. overall? nothing to get crazy about, but it's a good read for beginners.

* in addition to that, i'm taking my vegan approach slowly (didn't know that? now ya do). i'm trying to cut back to meat/dairy at one meal a day, no more than that. i also want to avoid any severe detox symptoms from changing too quickly. and it's obviously hard living with a man who worships meat & his grill, but i want to do it in the best way possible to not inhibit anyone else. it's amazing the difference my body feels even just after one meal that is vegan. imagine if i followed it the whole day or, eventually, all the time.

* i've become increasingly exhausted by my work schedule. i work five days a week just like everybody else, but i never have two days off in a row. i never fully recover or feel fully rested. i have off today, but i'm already on the mindset of what needs to get done tomorrow at work. the hour commute doesn't help, either. that was just me complaining. i'll be okay. it won't be like this forever.

* in other news, i love who i wake up next to every morning, who i come home to every evening, and who i fall asleep next to every night.


  1. I love that you and Batman are doing so well, baking bread and all!

  2. Heh.

    I didn't even read Skinny Bitch books because I knew they'd piss me off. Whatever, it's MY LIFE, so I can eat what I want. AS CAN YOU, Miss Vegan Pants, the gradual change and all that sounds like a smart decision. You can probably ask Jeannie for some ideas, she eats a lot of tofu, and this thing called quinoa.

    "in other news, i love who i wake up next to every morning, who i come home to every evening, and who i fall asleep next to every night. "

    Yes. Yes. Yes.
